Extra Credit Reading Notes, The Turtle who Couldn't Stop Talking
Bibliography: Ellen C Babbitt, The Turtle who Couldn't Stop Talking
-A turtle sat at a pond and 2 wild geese approach looking for food.
-The next day, they came back and soon became very great friends.
-The geese tell the turtle they have a very nice home far away and ask if he wants to come but the turtle has no wings.
-The geese tell the turtle they will take him if he can keep his mouth shut.
-The next day, the geese come with a stick and have the turtle bite the middle as they fly to their home.
-Village children saw the crazy events happening above them.
-The turtle spoke out and then fell from the sky and dropped dead right in front of these children.
-As the two Geese flew on, they heard the people say, when they came to see the poor Turtle, "That fellow could not keep his mouth shut. He had to talk, and so lost his life."
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