Extra Credit Reading Notes, The Crab and The Crane

    Bibliography: Ellen C. Babbitt, The Crab And The Crane

-There was rain one summer and all the animals wanted water, but fishes suffered most of all. 

-In a pond, there were fishes with very low water. A crane sat on the bank watching them.

-The boys ran to the fishes and also there was a Turtle in it.

-A little fish asked the crane what he was doing and he told him that he was wanting to help the fishes that had barely any water. The first crane to ever offer to help,

-The crane offered to carry the fishes back to another pond where there is plenty of water and food.

-A big Fish heard the Crane and said, "I will go with you to see the pond—I may as well be eaten by the Crane as to die here."

So the Crane put the big Fish on his back and started for the deep woods.

- The crane went back and grabbed a fishy. He took him into the woods and put him down and ate him. 

-He did this to every fish and made it to where there was no more. The next day, he came back to look if there is more fishes.

-There was one little crab and the crab asked if he would take him where he took all the fishes. He got on his back and gripped onto the crane. The crane took him to where all the fishes were and there were bones.

-Oh how the tables turned, the crab was getting off and he pinched the Crane's neck so hard that his head fell off. 

-"Not my shell, but your bones are left to dry with the bones of the Fishes," said the Crab.


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