Reading Notes, Narayan's Mahabharata Part A

   Bibliography: R.K Narayan, Narayan's Mahabharata,

-A king names Shantanu falls in love with a women by a river, but he rules a city named Hainapura. They soon get married and drowns their newborn babies in the river. The women explains and says she is the river names Ganga incarnated and she is supposed to give birth to 8 gods. The babies returns to heaven. The eigth baby gets taken and returned to Shantanu when he is grown up, who's name is Devavrata, but will know him as Bhishma.

-Shantanu falls in love again, this time with Satyavati. This time, the father objects this marriage because of his son Bhishma. They end up having two sons names, Chitrangada and Vichitravirya. Chitrangada becomes king but dies shortly after, then Bhishma rules as the father figure of Vivhitravirya. Bhishma sends Amba away, but the king of Shalwa rejects her because she has been in another's man's house. Amba vows that she will take revenge on Bhishma. Meanwhile, Ambika and Ambalika both marry Vichitravirya.

-Vichitravirya dies, without being a father figure. Satyavati wants Bhishman to fathers the sons of Vichitravirya. Satyavati smelled like fish, but Parashara changed the smell to a perfume. They have a child named Vyasa. Ambika and Vyasa have a child names Dhritarashta, but is borned blind. Pandu, is borned very pale. Vidura is born without any flaws.

-Dhritarashta and Ganhari get married. Pandu has two wives named Kunti and Madri but can't have children. He is cursed by a deer that he shot who was having sex by when he makes love, he will die.

-Yudishtrhira is the son of Kunti and Yama. 

-Kunit summons Vaya, the god of wind, and has a son Bhimsena or Bhima. Arjuna is the son of Kunti and storm god Indra. Pandu wants more sons so Madri uses the mantra to summon the Ashwins, the twin gods, and has twin sons, Sahadeva and Nakula.

- The five sons of Pandu- Yudhishthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula, and Sahadeva are called Pandavas. The sons of Dhitarasthtra are knowsn as the Kauravas.

-Pandu dies while making love to Madri.

-Duryodhana urges his father Dhritaeashtra to exile the Pandavas. Dhritarashtra decides to send Yudhushthira to Varanavata. Purochana, builds a house of Joy for the Pandavas. Padavas sets fire and escape throguh a tunnel.

-Bhima kills a dangerous rakshasa in the forest. Hidimbi falls in love with Bhima and have a son named Ghatotkacha. Kunti and the Pandavas travel into the forest. 

-King Drupada is holding a swayamvara for his daughter, Draupadi. The Pandavas, Karna, and Duryodhana to the swayamvara. 

-Kunti tells the brothers to share whatever they have acquired that day. This means the five brothers must share Draupadi as their wife. Drupada is stunned to find out his daughter will have five husbands. Vyasa explains that Draupadi had also had "five husbands" in a previous lifetime, when she was a woman named Nalayani married to a sage who slept with her in the guise of five different men. After her husband left her, she prayed to the Lord Shiva to give her these five husbands back again. This prayer is answered in the lifetime of Draupadi when she marries the five Pandava brothers.


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