Feedback Strategies
"How to Give Bad Feedback Without Being a Jerk" by Adam Grant
While reading this article, the main things that stood out were the 4 things to do about giving negative feedback without being rude. The first thing was explain why you're giving the feedback. If you don't want to seem like you're being rude, saying mean things, then basically it says to explain why you are doing that. For example, a good example of giving negative feedback but in a good way is, “I’m giving you these comments because I have very high expectations and I know that you can reach them." The second thing was Taking yourself off a pedestal and basically, letting whoever knows that you are trying your best to be the best you can be. The last 2 things were, 'Ask if the person wants feedback', and 'Have a transparent dialogue, not a manipulative monologue.' I believe these 4 main things are perfect to understand the ways you can give good feedback without being a jerk.
"Try Feedforward Instead of Feedback" by Marshall Goldsmith
This article was my favorite one to read. It gave alot of ideas to give feedforward instead of feedback. I believe giving things that are going to help people in the future are best for someone to succeed. This article gave 11 good ideas to give feedback/feedforward. The biggest thing I took from this article is, "We can change the future. We can't change the past", this really stood out to me because it is 100% true, and if you can help someone change their future, then it would be in their best interest and it will make you look like you care about them and their future endeavors.
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