Time Strategies

 The two articles I read for my time management blog posts were, "The Important Habit of Just Starting" and "How to Beat Procrastination". I thought these two articles would be the best for how I look at things. I've always been one to procrastinate and not really look into doing the work until right before the deadline and it is an AWFUL habit of mine. (I'm sure many people feel the same). I enjoyed reading the article on the habit of starting because it kind of goes hand in hand with how I do things. I rely too much on waiting till the last minute to get started and if I would 'just start', then I would never have to worry about procrastination. I think the biggest thing I took out of the beating procrastination article was that, it will feel so amazing once you get it done and don't have to worry about a due date because it is done with. That really hit home because I enjoy things getting done early, but the way it makes me feel is a whole different story. I loved when the just starting article talks about 'Seeing and Helping the Future You' because it is so true and pure. When you just start and get things done, it makes you feel like a better person. You're going to have to do it anyways so why wait?!?!? I think my biggest challenge in all of college is procrastination but at the end of the day, I still get it done... just makes me so much more stressed then I could've been if I would've just tackled the assignment. I'm looking forward to see how I tackle this class especially since I can work ahead, but we shall see if it's something I will take advantage of.

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This is how I feel when I get things done and don't procrastinate.. Procrastination 


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