This is a test post for Epics of India for the Fall 2020 semester. I can't wait for everything I am going to be doing this semester. It seems like it will be a fun class!
Hello fellow classmates, My name is Logan Biggs and I was born in Dallas, Texas on February 3rd, 1998. I have lived in Frisco, Texas since I was in 8th grade, but has always lived in the great state of Texas. I grew up playing soccer since I was 10 and I actually attended Midwestern State University my freshman year on a soccer scholarship. I got hurt, but, short story, ended up here at The University of Oklahoma and my time here has been great. This is my 3rd year here and I am majoring in Finance. Money and math has always been a passion of mine since I can remember. Something cool about my major is that, sometimes, depending what you do, you get to be a strategist for other companies and take care of the financial decisions they choose to make. The best class I took last semester was Business Finance. In my opinion, this was my favorite class because this is what I am majoring in and I really enjoy doing financial problems. My favorite type of movies are comedy and action movie...
Bibliography: Ellen C Babbitt, The Turtle who Couldn't Stop Talking One day, I was just strollin around the wildnerness where I live by the pond. There were these two birds who flew around me for quite a while, pretty sure they were geese. I got very nervous and scared so I hid myself in the pond. The geese flew away and never bothered me the rest of the time. The next day, the two geese came back and I was outside the pond at the time. They came down to me and said, "Turtle, we are looking for some food for the night, can you be our dinner?" I, still scared and nervous at day two, decided to talk calmly to the geese. "Why would you want to eat me, I've done nothing to the two of you besides be friendly, I just met you guys." I exclaimed. The geese decided to be friends and stop terrorizing me. A couple days the geese came to visit me at the pond, we talked and hung out a lot. One day the geese tell me they will take me to a far away very nice home if ...
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